Students in BSc and MSc courses have to do a technical internship of minimum 6 weeks (240 hours) at an external company. This is mandatory in order to be allowed to participate in the final exam.
The internship can be done any time after choosing the specialisation, but before finishing the last semester. (Ask your coordinator for the actual deadlines.)
Internship can be accomplished in Hungary or in your home country as well. The institute or department hosting your specialisation can help in choosing a company.
You need to present an official document (signed and stamped) from the company where you fulfilled your internship. The document has to contain the start and finish time of your internship and your job description. Find the required documents below. You have to bring 3 documents to your company, either in Hungarian or in English.
1. Statement of acceptance – English – Hungarian
2. Agreement of cooperation
For private companies – English
For government companies – English
For school work organizations – English
3. Certificate of the completion of 6 weeks of internship – English – Hungarian
First fill documents 1 and 2. The company will fill their own details and sign and stamp it (if printed) and send it back to the university. If printed, send number 1 and three copies of number 2 back to “Óbudai Egyetem, Kandó Kálmán Villamosmérnöki Kar, Maró Éva 1084 Budapest, Tavaszmező u. 17.”
A scanned copy of the signed documents can be sent via email (to your coordinator) as well. It is IMPORTANT that all forms are signed and stamped and that they are scanned in good quality, preferably in colour. One copy will be signed and sent back to the company.
At the end of internship, the company fills document 3 and sends it back to us. You (the student) also have to write a report on your work experience. See this guide for writing your report.
The deadlines for completing and returning the documents will be told you by your coordinator (look for your Neptun messages).